Grading, Redo, and Late Work


    • Late work will not qualify for retest/redo.
    • The student who refuses to take the original test, complete the original assignment, or who purposefully marks random/incomplete answers is not eligible for retest/redo.  
    • Checkpoints, DPMs, and Benchmarks are not eligible for retest/redo opportunities. 
    • An assignment that was never turned in is subject to late work guidelines.
    • Assignments that are failing because of the late work guidelines are not eligible for redo.
    • Grading closes at the end of the grading period.



    It is always our expectation that students will complete and turn in all assignments within the timeline set by the teacher.

    • 5 points will be deducted from the grade each day the assignment is not turned in for a maximum of 15 points (3 days late). 
    • If the assignment is not turned in by the 3rd day AFTER the original due date, the grade is a zero. You will see a "Z" in the gradebook indicating your student never turned in the assignment. 



    EIA (Local): The District shall permit a student who meets the criteria detailed in the grading guidelines a reasonable opportunity to redo an assignment or retake a test for which the student received a failing grade. The following criteria should guide retest/redo practices. Summative Assessment:A student will be allowed opportunity per grading period in each course to retake a test (Summative Assessment) for which he/she earned a failing grade (a grade below 70).

    • The highest grade a student can earn on a test retake will be a 70. A student may not earn a grade lower than the original grade.
    • Prior to retesting, the teacher may require an intervening action requiring the student to participate in one of the following: tutorial attendance, study group, test correction, teacher-planned activity, etc.
    • The teacher may schedule an assigned day for retesting.
    • DPMs or benchmarks are not included in the retest opportunity.
    • Projects/Papers assigned two or more weeks prior to the due date are NOT eligible for resubmission.


    Relevant Application:
    A student will be allowed one opportunity per grading period in each course to redo a Relevant Application for which he/she earned a failing grade (a grade below 70). 

    The highest grade a student can earn on a redone relevant assessment will be a 70. A student may not earn a grade lower than the original grade.

    Checking for Understanding:
    A student will be allowed at least one opportunity to redo one daily grade or class assignment (check for understanding) for which the student received a failing grade (a grade below 70).

    The highest grade a student can earn on a redone check for understanding assignment will be a 70. A student may not earn a grade lower than the original grade.

    ***DPMS or Benchmarks are NOT eligible for retest/redo opportunities***



    In an effort to communicate late work concerns to parents, teachers may use the following procedures to reflect late work in the gradebook.  (HAC, Home Access Center)

    Gradebook Codes:

    • A “Z” in the gradebook indicates that the assignment has not been turned in to be graded.  A “Z” will calculate as a zero.
    • A “0” in the gradebook indicates that the assignment was turned in and your student did not earn credit for any of the work.
    • “X” no make-up is required. Grade is excused.