- Bridgeland High School
- Cheerleading Information
Cheerleader & Mascot Rules and Guidelines
The purpose of this document is to emphasize the key points in the CFISD Cheerleading/Mascot Handbook and to clarify policies specific to Bridgeland High School. All rules and guidelines apply equally to cheerleaders and mascots with the exception of try-out information. Any reference to cheerleaders will also be deemed to include mascots.
A Bridgeland High School Cheerleader has the privilege and responsibility of promoting school spirit and pride through the school year. Each member should be a leader within the school and should set a positive example.
The CFISD Cheerleading/Mascot Handbook established the eligibility requirements and procedures for tryouts. BHS Varsity and Jr. Varsity scoring will be based on the following:
Judges’ Scores
Class Performance Record
Certain standards are necessary for the integrity of any organization. Each member of a cheerleading squad should be a leader within the school and throughout the community. Cheerleaders and mascots represent the school therefore personal appearance and conduct should reflect high standards.
Conduct yourselves as ladies and gentlemen.
No profanity or obscene gestures.
No excessive public displays of affection in uniform.
The cheerleader/mascot uniforms represent Bridgeland High School. They should only be worn in pictures on personal websites or Internet links during school related events (i.e. games, performances, appearances, etc. . This includes but is not limited to Myspace, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook.
The cheerleaders will help promote spirit and appropriate behavior at all times while at school or school related events/activities.
Cheerleaders are expected to attend the entire event scheduled unless prior approval has been met with a coach. Permission to leave will only be given for extreme emergencies.
All personal business should be taken care of at a time that does not directly conflict with any scheduled practice or event. Missing a practice or event severely affects the success of the whole squad.
All cheerleaders are required to attend an outside gym class on a weekly basis with the BHS cheerleaders at their own cost and by their own means of transportation. Attendance is mandatory, and the cheerleaders should refrain from attending after-school tutoring sessions that conflict with the scheduled gym time.
All cheerleaders are required to purchase the appropriate uniform and pay a rental fee for uniforms borrowed.
A numerical and conduct grade for cheerleading class will be given in accordance with the guidelines set by the CFISD Cheerleader/Mascot Handbook.
The coach(es) must be contacted by the cheerleader and/or the cheerleader’s parent/guardian prior to any excused or unexcused absence from, leaving early from, or arriving late to cheerleading class, practice, or any scheduled event.
Excused absences include but are not limited to death in the family, personal illness (with Dr.’s note) family emergency, instructional school field trips, and other circumstances deemed necessary by the coach(es).
Unexcused absences
Work: A cheerleader may hold a part-time job, but it must not interfere with practices, events, or any cheer activity whether scheduled or not.
Appointments: Appointments should not be scheduled during 7th period, during practice, or any event or activity unless there is an emergency. Practices and events/performances are scheduled in advance, and cheerleaders are given as much advance notice as possible.
Events (games, pep rallies, Booster Club/school related events, etc.)
All Varsity Cheerleaders are required to cheer at all Varsity football games and pep rallies. All Jr. Varsity Cheerleaders are required to cheer at all non-varsity home football games and pep rallies as designated by the coaches. Additional games/sports will be decided by coaches including playoffs.
The Jr. Varsity squad will cheer with the Varsity squad at the Homecoming game.
Two cheerleader substitutions during volleyball and two during basketball season are allowed. The cheerleader must inform the coaches of the substitution and sign documentation with the cheerleader that he or she is switching games with no less than 24 hours before the game. The substitute must be from the same cheer squad (Jr. Varsity for Jr. Varsity and Varsity for Varsity).
Cheerleaders are required to attend all activities scheduled by the coach(es), such as photo sessions, banquets, summer camps, community service activities, competitions, fundraisers, and BHS or CFISD school-sponsored activities, clinics, Booster Club activities, etc.
All team practices are mandatory. Absences will result in benching or possible removal from squad.
If the need to miss practice should arise, the coach(es) must be contacted by email or text prior to the absence. Contacting any other cheerleader is not an option for receiving/delivering messages to the coach(es).
Doctor appointments unrelated to personal illness or Bridgeland practice/performance injury must be scheduled at times that do not conflict with the cheerleader activities or practices.
The only excused absences are:
Personal Illness (will require Dr.’s note)
Death in family
Family Emergency
School required (instructional) field trip
All practices are closed to non-members unless otherwise indicated by the coach(es).
Cheerleaders are expected to dress out as determined by the coach(es) and participate in every practice. Refusal of either will result in benching or possible removal from the squad.
Appropriate Dress-Out:
Shorts, shirt, sports bra as designated
Hair up and out of face or as designated
Cheer shoes (athletic as designated)
Gum and jewelry are not allowed during any practices/performances.
Cheerleaders are expected to be on time to all practices, 7th period, and events/performances.
When the school provides bus or van transportation, all cheerleaders must ride the bus/van both to and from the activity. Permission to leave with a parent/guardian will only be granted in extreme circumstances.
Cell Phones
Cell phones MUST be turned off during practices, games, and other cheerleading events.
All team members are required to attend summer camp. The rules set by the BHS Code of Conduct will be in effect while in attendance at camp. Date and location will be determined by the coach(es), and will be announced after try-outs in the spring semester. Team practices and meetings will be held prior to summer camp and are also mandatory. Cheerleaders must remain with the squad at all times.
The decision to form a competition squad will be evaluated on a yearly basis by the coaches and administration. Competition season is not mandatory. The following are guidelines should BHS choose to compete:
Competition season will vary year to year. All cheerleaders involved will need to be ready for a time commitment including possible practices over the holiday breaks.
Tryouts may be held for competition squad as determined by the coach(es).
All team members who participate in the competitions will be required to travel together, eat meals together, and stay in the rooms designated by the coaches and administrators.
Cheerleaders on the competition squad will incur varying additional costs relating but not limited to: choreography, additional gym time, hotel, food, transportation, spirit items, etc.
Cheerleaders on the competition squad will have additional mandatory practices both in the gym and at school. It is imperative that all members are present during practices. Continuous excused or unexcused absences will result in dismissal from the competition squad.
Appearance and Uniforms
Bridgeland cheerleaders and mascots are expected to adhere to the dress code standards as directed in the student code of conduct. Uniforms and practice clothes will be designated by the coach(es).
Hair must be up during all practices and performances unless otherwise directed by a coach. No jewelry is to be worn during any practices and performances.
Makeup should be worn at all performances and events. It should be applied neatly as designated.
Each member is responsible for his or her own practice clothes and uniforms. This includes school-owned uniforms that are checked out throughout the year. Any school-owned uniform that is damaged or not returned at the end of the cheer year shall be paid for by the person to whom it was issued. Cheerleaders must wear the designated parts of the uniform while performing or practicing.
Cheerleaders are to be in full uniform from the arrival time until dismissal. At no time is it appropriate for a cheerleader to appear in partial uniform to an event. This includes bow, under clothes, uniform, makeup and shoes.
Mascots are responsible for the care, cleaning, and return of all uniforms, suits, and props given to them by the coach(es)/school.
Any unauthorized loaning of the uniform to a nonmember by a cheerleader will result in disciplinary action being taken. Cheerleaders are not permitted to appear in public in district uniform (or any part of a uniform) before or after performances, events, and/or activities.
Cheerleaders must always keep in mind that while in uniform, they are recognizable and are representing both BHS and CFISD.
Probation– Cheerleader will have the ability to participate fully with contractual agreements in effect during that time. However, if any rule violation occurs during the probation period, immediate removal is enforced.
Benching/Suspension– There will be a three strike policy in place for minor infractions or behavioral problems. Once a third strike is given, the cheerleader will be benched. If the problem continues, the cheerleader will be subject to dismissal. Cheerleader is not able to participate in any performances of the squad but is required to attend all practices. Also, they are to attend all performances in uniform and sit with the coach.
Dismissal– No participation of any activity of the squad for the remainder of the year. Cheerleader must turn in all school owned uniforms and any other issued items. A student that has been dismissed from the squad is not eligible to tryout the following year.
Application of policy
Coach(es) possess the authority to bench, suspend and/or dismiss a cheerleader from the squad for any of the above violations or in any circumstance deemed necessary for the success of the squad as a whole.
Dismissal– Cheerleaders will be dismissed from the squad for the remainder of the year with no probation for the following:
Violation of CFISD Code of Conduct – Level IV or Level V on or off campus.
Medical or Physical condition that prohibits safe performance for more than twelve cumulative weeks.
Failure to maintain acceptable conduct in all classes including cheer.
Any outside criminal activity or any act punishable by law.
Grades- Following UIL Eligibility
Cheerleaders that failed a grading period will be ineligible to cheer and will be placed on probation until progress reports. If the cheerleader has regained eligibility at the progress report, probation is terminated. A student that is ineligible for more than one grading period will be dismissed permanently. Failure does not have to be in the same class or consecutive grading periods.
Cheerleaders/mascots may receive a PE credit for this class (see counselor for clarification) therefore, they will be working out every day. Cheerleaders should dress according to practice guidelines determined by the coaches.
The grade for this class will be based on UIL guidelines and any other specific guidelines the coach may implement.
Enrollment in the cheerleading class is mandatory for the entire year for 10th and 11th graders.
Absence from this class will be treated as an absence from practice, unless deemed excused based on campus absence policies.
Seniors are allowed to opt out of the spring semester cheerleading class. However, all seniors must still attend all mandatory cheer events in the spring semester.
Should a returning cheerleader not make the team after tryouts, the cheerleader will be removed from the cheerleading class and placed in PE. This may result in a schedule change for other classes.
Letter jackets will be awarded to Varsity cheerleaders/mascots based on the following:
A varsity team member must have successfully completed one full year as a varsity cheerleader, mascot, or manager.
One year is determined to be from tryouts to tryout.
“Successful completion” shall be interpreted as full participation in all required events, activities, and practices as determined by the coach(es) and excludes excused absences.
The need for a leadership team will be evaluated by the coaches and administrators on a yearly basis. Should the need for leadership arise, we will abide by the following guidelines:
The Captain must be a senior that has at least one year of experience on the varsity squad.
The Co-Captain(s) must be a junior or a senior that has at least one year of experience as a Bridgeland cheerleader.
Leadership candidates must be in good standing with their cheer balance, classes, and must not have been benched for any reason in the current or previous school year.
Final decisions regarding leadership positions will be made by the coaches.
JV squad leader positions (if needed) will be determined during the same time period as Varsity. JV squad leaders will be chosen by the coaches.
The leadership position is a very important office. At all times, these students must realize the responsibility and authority of this office, but not abuse the power. It is not an all-powerful office that can override the coach(es) or the best interest of the squad. Captains are not to give permission to other cheerleaders to leave/class/performance/events without a coach’s knowledge at any time. They are to serve as leaders and guiding influences, and as such they must be above reproach at all times and represent the coach(es), administration, Bridgeland High School to the very best of their abilities.
Cheerleaders and Mascots should be prepared to meet the cost of cheerleading. Cheerleaders will have uniforms, accessories, socks, shoes, bows, poms, a warm up suit, camp wear/practice clothes, game day outfits, megaphone, etc. which the individual cheerleader is responsible for paying. A payment plan may be set up through the coaches and administration, but all payments must remain current. A cheerleader will be benched from participation if the balance is not being paid down. If a squad member is dismissed from the squad, he/she is still responsible for all expenses incurred. Attendance at outside gym practices are a separate expense that each cheerleader is responsible for keeping up with. The employees at the gym will notify the cheerleader and his/her parent/guardian if payments are late.
If, at any time, the administration feels the need to alter any part of the Bridgeland High School Cheerleader & Mascot Rules and Guidelines for the good of the organization, he/she/they may do so without prior notice or discussion. The coach(es) and administration will deal with any special situations that may arise that are not specifically addressed in these rules and guidelines on an individual basis.