
  • School Nurse: Martha Anderson, RN
    Clinic Phone Number: 281-856-3820

    Clinic Assistant: Dee Chisam
    Clinic Phone Number: 281-856-3821

Lead Safely 2020-2021

  • Clinic Phone Number: 281-856-3821

    Lead Safety

    • Students and staff must screen daily (prior to entering a school bus or school) for the following signs and symptoms of COVID-19. See “Health Screening for Students Protocol” :
      • Are you experiencing any of the following in a way that is not normal to you? 
        • Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0o F 
        • Cough 
        • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing 
        • Chills 
        • Shaking or exaggerated shivering 
        • Significant muscle pain or ache 
        • Headache 
        • Sore throat 
        • Loss of taste or smell 
        • Diarrhea
      • Have you had known close contact with a person who is lab-confirmed with COVID-19 within the last 14 days?
    • Students and staff must stay home if they answer “yes” to any of the above. See “Students with Presumptive, Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19 Protocol” . Students may transition temporarily to the CFISD Connect remote instructional option during this period with the ability to keep up with instruction and meet attendance requirements.

      Feeling Sick








    • If a parent drops off/picks up a student in the school, the screening questions will be asked of the student’s parent.
    • Students at school who show symptoms of COVID-19 will be evaluated by the nurse. The nurse will determine whether that child can remain at school.
    • The clinic will have an isolation area identified for suspected COVID-19 cases and be equipped with air purification systems. In addition, physical barriers, such as partitions, screens, or curtains may be utilized to establish separate areas for sick and well visits.
    • Areas used by the individual with COVID-19 symptoms will be sanitized as soon as it is feasible.
    • Before a student or staff member may return to school, established criteria must be met as stated in the “Students Return to School Protocol”.