April 22nd, 2024

JV’s of the Week for April 22nd, 2024 

  • Ryan Khuu
  • Caiden Vu
  • Karlie Lambright
  • Marco Mojica

Ryan always is prepared for class, always asks good questions, and always participates in class activities and as a result he makes good grades. - Renee Ingham


Caiden works really hard at being a good student and it shows in his grades and attitude to learning.  No matter what he peruses in his future, he has learned and practiced successful skills which will set him up for  future successes. - Laura Oswalt


Karlie is always happy to help out afterschool helping to prepare classwork for the next day by helping to cut papers and sort out activities. She always has a positive attitude and enjoys helping out many different teachers. - Le


Marco arrives to class on time, attends school daily, completes all assignments on time, seeks assistance when uncertain, has great peer relationships, polite and courteous, and demonstrates successful performance in his grades. - Ron WATTS