Department: |
Name: |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Acquisitions & Customer Care |
Jennifer Miller |
281-897-6447 |
Advanced Academics |
Katrina Nelson |
281-517-2640 |
281-807-8639 |
Athletics |
Virginia Flores |
281-894-3980 |
281-894-3989 |
Berry Center |
Beth Wade |
281-894-3929 |
Business Services |
Melissa McAnear |
281-897-4051 |
281-897-3877 |
Career & Technical Education |
Mark Williams |
281-897-4036 |
Communication |
Joel Weckerly |
281-897-4053 |
281-807-8150 |
Community Engagement |
Dawn Tryon |
281-894-3950 |
281-894-3959 |
Community Programs |
Nydia Stovall |
281-897-4103 |
281-517-2114 |
Compensation (Interim) |
Jan Price |
281-807-8151 |
281-517-2106 |
Contract Management |
Amy Hayes |
281-517-6022 |
Construction Field Services |
Steven Bryan |
281-517-6860 |
281-897-3806 |
Curriculum & Instruction for Special Populations |
Maria Trejo |
281-517-6387 |
281-807-8639 |
Curriculum & Instruction, Elementary School |
LaTisha Bard |
281-897-4143 |
281-807-8639 |
Curriculum & Instruction, Middle School |
Jennifer Leonard |
281-517-6326 |
281-517-2910 |
Curriculum and Instruction, High School |
Kenya Turner |
281-807-8953 |
281-807-8639 |
Design & Facilities Planning |
Dan Grosz |
281-517-6085 |
Device Management |
Charles Franklin |
281-517-2628 |
Dyslexia and Section 504 Services |
Stefanie Ware |
281-517-6568 |
Emergency Management |
Scott Hudson |
281-897-6448 |
Employee Relations and Professional Staffing |
Tricia Reilly, Ed.D. |
281-517-2680 |
281-517-2826 |
Employee Relations and Professional Staffing |
Jennifer Vest |
281-517-2680 |
281-517-2826 |
Employee Relations and Professional Staffing |
Melanie Dobney |
281-807-8655 |
Federal Programs & Grants |
Kathie (Kathryn) Sanders |
281-517-2644 |
281- 517-2126 |
Facility Director Mark Henry, Ed.D. Administration Building & VPAC |
Nicole Williamson |
Financial Services |
Mable Isles |
281-897-4067 |
281-897-3877 |
Fine Arts |
John Morrison |
281-897-3884 |
281-807-8641 |
General Administration |
Scott Tucker |
281-517-6367 |
281-517-2626 |
Guidance & Counseling |
Franklin Sampson |
281-897-4068 |
281-517-2046 |
Health Services |
Melinda Hood |
281-897-4015 |
281-517-2107 |
HR Investigator |
Claudia Hernandez |
Information Services |
Jennifer Grimm |
281-897-6469 |
281-517-2059 |
Instructional Technology |
Todd Sepulveda |
281-897-3804 |
281-897-4744 |
Insurance & Risk Management |
Jaime Decantillon |
281-897-4339 |
Internal Audit |
Blake Legler |
281-897-4111 |
281-897-3840 |
Maintenance |
Scott Vanderzyden |
281-897-4296 |
281-897-4183 |
Nutrition Services |
Suzy Hunter |
281-897-4541 |
281-897-4184 |
Operations |
Tammy Blankenship |
281-897-4195 |
281-897-4183 |
Payroll |
Kala Holler |
281-897-4092 |
Professional Learning |
Glenda Horner, Ed.D. |
281-517-6008 |
281-897-6479 |
Project Management |
Shannon Thompson |
281-807-8128 |
Psychological Services |
Traci Schluter, Ph.D., LSSP |
281-517-6394 |
281-807-8183 |
Procurement Services |
James Briscoe |
281-897-4576 |
Records, Leave and Credentials |
Katy Corbett |
281-897-4099 |
281-897-3861 |
Special Education |
Lauri Barnes |
281-897-6430 |
281-897-6403 |
Student Services / Admissions, Attendance & Transfers |
Jae Simpson-Butler, Ed.D. |
281-517-2637 |
281-897-4756. |
Student Services / Admissions, Attendance & Transfers |
Tameka Pressley |
281-897-1392 |
281-897-4756 |
Student Services / K-12 Discipline |
Shannon Bennett |
281-897-4147 |
281-807-8139 |
Student Services/ K-12 Discipline |
Adrianna Price |
281-897-3879 |
281-807-8139 |
Student Services/ K-12 Discipline |
Stacie Wicke |
281-897-4563 |
281-807-8139 |
Support Services |
Orlando Garcia |
281-897-4131 |
Talent Management |
José Muñoz |
281-897-4104 |
281-517-2826 |
Tax Assessor |
David Piwonka |
281-664-6300 |
281-664-6324 |
Technical Services
Technology Support Services
Testing |
Tracy McDaniel, Ed.D. |
281-517-6594 |
281-897-6410 |
Transportation |
Kayne Smith, Ed.D. |
346-205-8455 |